Consult Hb Control - Controls - Control
Product Features:
- Used by professionals in the verification of the precision and accuracy of McKesson Consult Hb Hemoglobin Meter and Hemoglobin Cuvettes
- 60-day open-vial stability
- Non-biohazardous
- CLIA-waived
- Provides professionals solution to more easily comply with the rigorous quality standards required in the laboratory setting
- Produced in three concentrations that correspond to three levels of human hemoglobin: low, normal and high
- No refrigeration required
- For use with McKesson Consult Hb Analyzer Kit Hemoglobin Testing System (item number 900MCKSP) and McKesson Consult Hb Cuvettes (#900-100MCK)
- Contents: 3 control solutions (1.9 mL), Instructional insert
- 16.0 +/- 0.8 g/dL | 160 +/- 8 g/L | 9.9 +/- 0.5 mmol/L